Mrs. Lenahan's 4th Grade Gators! 


  Welcome Back To School, Almira Gators!


Dear Students and Families,

Welcome to the 4th Grade! I am excited about the opportunity to get to know you and I'm looking forward to a happy and productive school year.  This will be a year of independence and responsiblity as we navigate our way through virtual learning.  I expect you to be engaged and productive while you are learning from home.  You can use this website as a resource with information that will be needed to be the most successful this school year.  Again, welcome to the 4th grade.


Important Links: 


Almira PreK-8 Academy:




STUDENT'S CLEVER LOG IN / Schoology;NGM2M2MxY2Y2MjNkY2U4MmNhYWM=;aHR0cHM6Ly9jbGV2ZXIuY29tL2luL2F1dGhfY2FsbGJhY2s=;MTk0ZjUzMjljNzUyYzEyNDRmMjcxOWU4ZTI3Yzk1NTY0NzRkNTQ4OTdhNzk4Y2Y1MTlmMjljMzllYjUyZGUwMg==;Y29kZQ==;


CMSD Student Section:


Referernce Materials Regarding Chromebooks:








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